This week we connected with Stacey MacKintosh of Stacey MacKintosh Yoga (Perth, Western Australia) to ask her a few questions about her practice…


How long have you been practising yoga?

12 years. I base it on how old my daughter is, because I started practising when I was pregnant. I practised a lot during pregnancy and from then on, I never really stopped. I had tried yoga in the past, but back then I just didn’t connect with it (probably too much quiet time with myself!). As I slowed down in pregnancy, something clicked. I felt very spiritual when I was pregnant.


What type of yoga do you practice and why?

I practice ashtanga yoga, for two reasons:

Firstly, I love early mornings.

Secondly, I love that my “teacher” brain can switch off and I can just do the same sequence each day – I’m in my body without using my mind. Doing the same sequence each day makes me notice the changes within myself day to day. 


How has your practice changed over the years?

It has changed in every possible direction it could have changed. As I have navigated age, birth, babies, pregnancy + injury, my practice shifted every time. Possibly the greatest way it has changed is that I now embrace change, rather than resisting it. When my son was born, I lost my practice and because of this, I used to obsess over injury. I was terrified of losing my practice again. Now, I just navigate injury and accept that a practice is still a practice, even if it’s different.


How has yoga helped your life?

It has helped me to accept + believe in myself, rather than needing anything external. And because of this, my approach to everything is different, because I am more accepting. Yoga has really helped to ground me and has provided a constant reflection that I am human – good + bad, happy + sad – all of it. 


What have you learned about yourself through yoga?

I have learned not to believe all of my thoughts. I’ve also learned not to assert myself when I’m tired – I can just set stuff aside until tomorrow. I know now that I don’t have to do everything today. Yoga helps me to see myself more clearly, I can separate myself. If I have energy towards something, I’m clear to fully harness it… but I can also put things aside if need be.


What are your beliefs + philosophies?

For me, the Bhagavad Gita really resonates. It is something that I have chosen not to overanalyse or find reason for. I just love it. I read it all the time. I connect with it and for whatever reason, that has not happened with other spiritual philosophies. 

The other big one, that has just changed my life and will continue to change my life, is believing in me. I believe in my intuition, in my ability to find answers, my ability to see the truth. I trust that I will see what I need to see.

Over time, things come and go, but the one constant is always me. 


You can find Stacey on instagram at @perthyogagirl

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